Welcome to the web site of Hagedorn Informationssysteme GmbH
Our company Hagedorn Informationssysteme GmbH has been active since 1995 in the field of data transmission in mobile radiocommunication networks. Our basic capabilities lie in the development and implementation of comprehensive IT projects for the market segments of Fleetmanagement, remote data transmission in transport systems and running TETRA networks.
We continuously develop our products in close cooperation with our customers, and always in line with the latest progress in technology. The important thing for end-users is that the technical features they require are displayed in a functional way. This is guaranteed through the constant improvement of our technologies and as new road links become accessible through GPRS and TETRA.
November 2018
PMR Expo once again in Cologne this year The 16th PMRExpo takes place this year on November 27th – 29th at the Koelnmesse (the Cologne Exhibition Place). We will participate as an exhibitor there for the 12th time already. Thanks to the invitation of the digital radios for BOS, the PMRExpo becomes a central meeting place for managers and expert visitors. Hagedorn Informationssysteme GmbH presents new developments in the field of TETRA over IP as the remote control of terminal devices via LAN and USB.
August 2018
New call station product IP Radio Phone Comfort was developed and it's ready to use. It was built from IP Radio Phone Standard. Except of bigger screen resolution which IP Radio Phone Comfort has, it offers new software and hardware elements for better and easier work.